Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

437 - Degree in Rural and Agri-Food Engineering

28915 - Fundamentals of business administration

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
28915 - Fundamentals of business administration
Faculty / School:
201 - Escuela Politécnica Superior
437 - Degree in Rural and Agri-Food Engineering
Second semester
Subject Type:
Basic Education

1.1. Introduction

Brief presentation of the subject
While the subject Fundamentals of Business Administration is part of an engineering degree, we must not forget the importance for the future engineer to acquire basic knowledge about running a business. Thus, considering this matter for a general and introductory approach, the basic descriptors that summarize the contents of the course are:
basics of economics and business.
The concept of company.
The process of administration of the company: Company organization.
Analysis of the competitive environment of the company.
Business strategy: planning and decision-making.
functional management of the company: finance, production and marketing.
Human resources in the company.

1.2. Recommendations to take this course

To take this course is recommended regular attendance, since the possibility to anticipate 25% of the note by the performance of work during the school period is proposed. In addition, it is recommended that students have a readiness for active participation in the classroom and to coordinate the study continued with the development of classes.

1.3. Context and importance of this course in the degree

While the subject Fundamentals of Business Administration has an introductory and general character, keep in mind the usefulness of its contents for the future engineer in the development of their profession. In this sense, and as far as possible, the activities related to this subject will focus especially on those economic sectors closer to the level of the degree.

1.4. Activities and key dates

The teaching of this subject will be held in the second semester of the course. Information detailed schedule of classes and tutoring is available to students in good time.

2.1. Learning goals

The student, for passing this subject, should demonstrate the following results ...
Interpret the meaning of key macroeconomic variables.
Understand what is the role played by companies in the context of the market economy.
Identify what are the main competitive forces from the (general and specific) business environment.
Distinguish the different strategic business guidelines as a tool for competitiveness in the different influences from the environment.
Knowing the main objectives of the functions of finance, production and marketing enterprises.
Know the basic guidelines in management and human resource management.

2.2. Importance of learning goals

The different competences of this subject are important because they contribute to the basic knowledge of business management through the analysis of theoretical content and the development of practical activities in tune with the reality of agrifood engineering and rural. In addition, these skills contribute to development in the student fundamental skills such as reasoning, problem solving and critical thinking development.

3.1. Aims of the course

The subject and its expected results meet the following approaches and objectives:
The Basics of Business Administration course general objective students of the Degree in Agricultural Engineering and Rural know the main guidelines of operation of the company as a fundamental economic agent on the stage of the market economy.

3.2. Competences

To pass the course, students will be more competent to ...
Specific skills:
Understand and apply the following concepts: business, institutional and legal framework of the company, organization and business management.

4.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)

The student must demonstrate that it has achieved the intended learning outcomes through the following evaluation activities
Evaluation Mode:
To overcome this course NOT modality of continuous evaluation is proposed.
a global evaluation test will be performed.

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following:
30 contact hours THEORY.
PRACTICE 30 contact hours spread over 20 hours of troubleshooting and cases and 10 hours dedicated to practical work performed to evaluate.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program that the student is offered to help you achieve the expected results includes the following activities ...
Participatory classes:
30h Theory: Exhibition, by the teacher, of the theoretical contents of the subject. participation and involvement of students is encouraged.
20h TROUBLE AND CASES related to the subject.
10h TEACHERS WORK: In the computer room, and during the last 10 weeks of the semester, students will perform Internet searches the information needed to develop practical work. In these works, students apply the skills acquired by reflecting on 5 documents to submit to the professor in the indicated format and on 5 successive deliveries at the end of weeks 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15 of the semester.
academic tutoring:
Outside school hours, students will have the support and advice of the teacher in schedule that will be discussed in advance.

5.3. Syllabus

The theoretical contents will be organized according to the following agenda:
TOPIC 1: Fundamentals of Economics.
TOPIC 2: Business Administration: Environment Analysis and Strategy.
TOPIC 3: Investment and Financing.
ITEM 4: Production and Marketing.
ITEM 5: Human Resources Company.
For the development of the course, students have different support manuals available in the school library. It should also highlight the appropriate use of different internet resources to exemplify the contents with news, studies, reports, cases, company websites, etc ...
Through service reprographic or PDF, the students copy transparencies and slides used in the lectures will be provided, as well as practical material required and the formats required for the presentation of practical work.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule sessions and presentation of works


Given that the course will consist of 4 contact hours a week, 15 weeks which consists of approximately one semester distribute allow 60 hours of classroom activities as follows:




nº weeks




1 a 15




Problems Cases

1 a 5




Problems Cases

6 a 15




Docent Works 

6 a 15




5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

Basic bibliography

  • Bueno Campos, Eduardo. Curso básico de economía de la empresa : un enfoque de organización / Eduardo Bueno Campos . - 3a. ed. Madrid : Pirámide, DL. 2002
  • Introducción a la economía y administración de empresas / Ana María Castillo Clavero (dir. y coord.) ; Isabel María Abad Guerrero... [et al.] Madrid : Pirámide, 2003
  • Introducción a la administración de empresas / Álvaro Cuervo García (director) ... [et. al.] ; coordinador editorial, Camilo J. Vázquez Ordás . - 6ª ed. Cizur Menor (Navarra) : Aranzadi, 2008
  • Empresa y economía industrial / coordinadores, Blanca de Miguel Molina y Joan Josep Baixauli Bauxauli ; autores, Francisco Mochón Morcillo... [et al.] Madrid : McGraw-Hill Interamericana de España, D. L. 2010
  • Manual de administración de empresas / Enrique Claver Cortés...[et al.] . - 4a. ed. Madrid : Civitas, 1998

 Complementary bibliography

  • Dirección contable y financiera de empresas agroalimentarias / dirección y coordinación, Juan Francisco Juliá Igual, Ricardo J. Server Izquierdo . - [1ª ed.] Madrid : Pirámide, [1996]
  • Suárez Suárez, Andrés Santiago. Curso de economía de la empresa / Andrés S. Suárez Suárez. - 7a. ed., reimp. Madrid : Pirámide, D.L. 1996
  • Bueno Campos, Eduardo. Economía de la empresa : análisis de las decisiones empresariales / Eduardo Bueno Campos, Ignacio Cruz Roche, Juan José Durán Herrera . - Reimp. 2002 Madrid : Pirámide, D.L. 2002

The updated recommended bibliography can be consulted in: